

Brings meetings, snaps and collaborators together

Snaparoo knows your schedule and who you are collaborating with

Make your work photos valuable again

Download Snaparoo today!

Download Snaparoo Today

Every day thousands of photos of whiteboards and presentations are taken for work, university and school. Yet all this valuable information gets lost amongst our personal photos. Snaparoo knows your calendar and solves the problem of losing all that valuable content.

Features List

Your personal whiteboard library is a download away

Calendar Aware Camera

When you open Snaparoo to take a picture of your whiteboard or notes it will know what meeting you are in.

Google & Outlook

Log into your Google or Outlook account to synch with your meetings.

iCloud Support

You can use calendars you have set up on your phone with iCloud.

Search Your Snaps

Easily search for your meeting Snaps, no more working out when a meeting was and paging through your photos.

Meeting Snap Library

Import all the snaps you have taken from meetings in the last 12 months


All your snaps will stay on your device and your snaps will be saved to your normal phots library as well

Today's Schedule

You will see your daily schedule when you open your Snaparoo camera.

Share Your Snaps

Easily share your snaps with your colleagues (or just yourself) with the click of a button

Contact Us

Please send us an email at support@snaparoo.com.au if you have any questions.